Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Waiting Game

Sitting atop my priority list for 2011 is finding a new job.  As I see it, there are pretty much four stages in the job search process:
  • 1) Finding out about the job opening; 
  • 2) Getting the interview;
  • 3) Surviving the Interview process; and
  • 4) Closure (Waiting for the offer)
In my current situation, a phone call last summer from someone in my network allowed me to cruise through stages one and two quickly.  Literally overnight.  Stage three proved a more lengthy process.  Over the last six months I  endured five separate interview sessions with over two dozen people. My final interview took place eleven days ago.  At that time, I was informed that "things look good " and my candidacy would now have to survive three committee meetings (recruiting, management and partnership) before a final offer could be extended.  The estimated time for an answer was approximately two weeks. So now I wait in stage four.

To pass the time, I have tried to move some of my job search"eggs" to other baskets- last week I had two interviews for a completely different position. Although the company seemed fun, at this stage in my financial life, I can't afford to take a job for pay that makes my current government salary look like executive compensation. I should have known there was a red flag when the hiring manager had to stop at his CUBICLE to grab the pre-printed interview questions on our way to the conference room. In that instance, stages 1-4 (including my rejection of the offer) took roughly three days to complete.

Eleven days and counting... 

I'm preparing to follow up on Monday.  I keep telling myself (and everyone around me) that I'm not counting on an offer.  I wish that were true.  Securing this job will open up crucial financial doors and allow me to begin building my legal career in our current city.  At this point, I'd just like to get a final answer so I can move on.

The waiting game is difficult.  I am reminded of a favorite passage of scripture from Proverbs 3:5  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."  I am also reminded of Ecclesiastes 7:8 "The end of a matter is better than its beginning and patience is better than pride."  Amen.

Are you waiting for anything, dear readers?  Let's try to learn patience together.  Please say a prayer for me if you read this post before I post an update!

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