And Now A Word from our Sponsor:
Let me begin by stating the obvious:
I am not perfect and neither is this blog.
Please look past the simple template and take heart in the knowledge that behind the scenes I continue to diligently research available upgrades. If you’re wondering, my research consists of bookmarking other cool looking blogs and patiently waiting my turn to check out a five year old copy of Blogging for Dummies from the local library. And before the words “available upgrades,” I should have inserted the word, free. It would also be great if you would graciously ignore the literary dust sprinkled liberally throughout each post in the form of messy run-on sentences, misplaced commas and unimaginative clichés. (That last sentence was a prime example.)
In other news:
My name is not Clair.
On my best day, in my flyest suit, at my wittiest moment, I have never lived up to the image of Clair Huxtable. I still like to imagine that she played me on tv. The obvious connection is that I am an African-American wife, mother and attorney. Beyond that, the similarities become more aspirational. My life is currently in major transition; Our family has moved six times between two states in the past three years. My faith, my marriage, my parenting, my career and my sense of purpose have all been tested. The Huxtable Driven Life is about my commitment to pursue excellence in all of these areas. It is about (cliché alert) turning over a new leaf. This blog is a starting point for my career as a writer and will serve as online workspace to perfect my craft. Artists have studios, athletes have gymnasiums, I have an old laptop and Blogger.
Thanks for stopping in.