Sunday, January 16, 2011

The week in review

So I'm sitting alone in Panera contemplating my progress thus far in 2011. It is an unseasonably warm Sunday afternoon in my neck of the woods so I decided to head out for a few moments to collect my thoughts while hubby and the kids grill dinner.  As usual, so much to say, so little time to say it.

A lot has happened in the last week:
  • I had three job interviews for two jobs. (yea!)  That experience is worth its own post so I'll save the commentary for later...
  • I faced the HARD reality that getting financially fit this year is going to be much more difficult than losing those 10 extra holiday pounds. I have committed to taking a 13 week financial freedom class at a local church. BRUTAL.  I heard a presentation on compounding interest last week that was so depressing because nothing he said was new to me yet my failure to act on it has already cost six figures worth of future savings.  I remember hearing that same talk when I first started working- back when I thought I had forever to save.  My 22 year old self  sat smugly in a room full of shell shocked older colleagues that had almost visible time clocks ticking over their heads and I arrogantly pitied their lack of preparation.  Ironically, at 35, I was the cautionary tale our instructor used to show the importance of saving early. Painful.  [Dear Reader, if you don't know what compounding interest is, stop reading this post and click here to find out!!!!!!!!)  Today's lesson on insurance coverage was no less eye opening. My first call tomorrow is going to be to Allstate...
  • Our family lost both of our pet goldfish to a tank virus that we are still trying to figure out.  The loss was devastating for my oldest son.  Now that I think about it, that experience is worth its own post too so stay tuned.
  • I realized for the 999,999,999 time that marriage is hard.  That experience is probably worth several posts, but I digress...
  • I watched the return episode of The Game along with 7.7 million other people.  The hoopla surrounding its return to tv made me think about the lack of work for black actors on television and in film.   In one of the promos, the actor Pooch Hall, "Derwin Davis" looks at the camera and earnestly says to the viewers, "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have a job."  Dude was dead serious and very grateful. I think urban (black) viewers are desperate to watch something besides the (opposite of funny) TBS Tyler Perry lineup.  I feel sorry for the cast of those shows because the material is so beneath their talent but I guess they are happy to work period.  The new Ice Cube (un)comedy, Are We There Yet? promises to drop the standard set by Tyler Perry to a new low.  I am very glad to see the Game back and I hope it will be a great vehicle to showcase the real talent of its cast.   I also hope it will open the door for more shows featuring black actors. Speaking of opening the door, I also watched the premier of Oprah's OWN network  My review: It is basically a combo of Lifetime and TLC and about as interesting.  
  • My three year old started his journey toward fluency in Mandarin by enrolling in the same school my five year old attends. Exciting!!!!!! Definitely worth a post.
  • I reminded myself that excellence is deliberate and so should you.
That's my week in a nutshell, dear readers.  What did you do this week?  What are your goals for 2011?  Let's walk through this journey together.  Looking forward to your thoughts.

Gotta run, I'm sure the family is looking for me now.


  1. You're the 'real' est(in my SAHM who has a guilty pleasure of the lastest hip-hop minus the profanity vocab). From my research on blog success stories, 'real'ness is an ingredient, where the writer gives pure honesty and openest in the sometimes tough to discuss areas. Your blogs are so real that I feel like we are at Starbucks having a cup of coffee. Keep blogging. I am proud to be one of your first followers and honored to know you.
    My goals for 2011? Try to give 100% to God in everything that I do, switch to using debit cards per my financial freedom class at church, be a more even-tempered mom when I am drained, and attend our church's marriage classes. Gotta go- a toy just flew past my face.

  2. Thanks!!! I love your goals- I am really trying to be a more even-tempered mom as well. That is an area of struggle every day- more pressure from work, finances, marriage, life= more difficulty controlling my temper around the boys. We can walk through that together:)
