Sunday, May 13, 2012

To the Boys: Chapters 7 and 4.

I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To My Dear Boys.
My love for you is like buttery syrup-infused IHOP pancakes.  Every fiber of my being is saturated with it.   I have loved you both from the moment I knew of your existence and for years when the thought of you was a mere possibility.  You challenge and amaze me on a daily basis and no matter how miserably I fail to live the life of a perfect example, your innocent admiration motivates me to keep trying. I love the way you giggle openly at childish things, the way you honestly question the world around you, the way you fight each other for the right to receive my kisses, the way your eyes light up when I return from a terrible day at work, the way you snuggle with me in bed with cold feet wrapping themselves around my legs, the way you take pride in our family traditions like playing UNO and evening prayer, the way you sing at the top of your lungs when Mommy turns up her "jam" on the radio, the way you see the good in people and look to me for confirmation, the way you trust completely in God without reservation, and the way you are each growing up to be absolutely unique and amazing individuals.  I pray that the years ahead bring many more opportunities for me to share how much I love you and that your memories of your childhood are always rooted in the certainty that your spiritual, physical, intellectual, and emotional well-being are always precious to Mommy. I will never give up on vigilantly protecting all of the above.
Thank- you for making this my favorite day of the year. 


  1. What a blessing to experience a Mother's love!

    1. Indeed! My mom was just here this weekend- long enough to give me a hug and spend some time at the park with the kids. What a blessing. Hope you and yours are well.
