Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Brand New Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jubilation! Gratitude! Anticipation!
I got the job.
Realistically, there are no words to describe how great I felt to get the written offer this evening.  I tried to find a clip from the "Can You Feel A Brand New Day" scene in The Wiz to demonstrate my joy, but surprisingly, it hasn't found its way to Youtube.    I did find a bootleg version  (see below) that someone created with their own pictures.  To refresh your memory, this is the scene when the factory workers celebrate after Dorothy kills the wicked witch, Evilene.  All of the characters are ecstatic about the possibilities for their future.

I am feeling them tonight.

Give me a day to celebrate, and I'll tell you the whole tale tomorrow.



  1. Yay! Let's celebrate! Deep breath in, deep breath out-it's over. So happy for you!

  2. Congratulations! Best of luck in your new position!
